While we all face challenges from time to time, there is no one kind of help that fits for everyone. That is why we offer different options for how we can work together. Our approach to working with you will be based first on your priorities and preferences.
Sometimes people are looking at therapy as a place for ongoing exploration and growth. we welcome and enjoy working with people who see therapy in this way. We work together using a strength-oriented narrative approach to uncover and develop the themes of their lives and the preferences they have for their ‘story line.’
More often, though, people come to therapy because there is a problem that is getting in their way. They want to move quickly toward an alternative. This is where a strength-based, approach is most helpful.
Why a strength-based, solution-focused approach?
- Because you don't want to be in therapy forever. The approaches we use tend to help people "resolve" their problems more quickly than traditional psychotherapy.
- Because if we only focus on the problem, it is hard to envision what you would prefer. By the solution, it can become much more clear what you need to do to get there.
- Because fully understanding your strengths and resources means we are not "starting from scratch." We can build on what you have to get you where you want to go.
- Because, if you are strong enough to ask for help, you are strong enough to find the solution. We truly believe this and honor the strength and ingenuity of every person we have ever had the privilege to work with.